Multidisciplinary artist and full-stack web developer.




This piece marks the completion of my training as an emerging glass artisan at Espace Verre School. It embodies the fervent desire to witness humanity in mutual harmony with its surrounding environment. While the aesthetics of the piece aim to be somewhat comforting, the severed branches atop Mother Nature's head underscore the damages inflicted by humans on her, as well as her eternal act of forgiveness. The 'ras le cou' necklace she wears symbolizes the near-total domination of humans over their environment.

Image number 1 of the project Étreinte
Image number 2 of the project Étreinte
Image number 3 of the project Étreinte
Image number 1 of the project Étreinte
Image number 2 of the project Étreinte
Image number 3 of the project Étreinte

Other projects:

Visual Arts

Thumbnail of the project PortraitsPortraits2023-now
Thumbnail of the project FractalsFractals2021

Web (selection)

Thumbnail of the project Ties that bindTies that bind2023
Thumbnail of the project Finding flowersFinding flowers2021
Thumbnail of the project Things + timeThings + time2023
Thumbnail of the project United state of emergenceUnited state of emergence2022
Thumbnail of the project Warrant canary incubatorWarrant canary incubator2021

Community projects

Thumbnail of the project Terre SauvageTerre Sauvage2019-now
Thumbnail of the project Documentary series on Terre SauvageDocumentary series on Terre Sauvage2021


Thumbnail of the project ÉtreinteÉtreinte2016